Patient Selection

end stage renal disease

Patient Selection

Vessel mapping is an important step in identifying patients who can successfully receive an endoAVF. Sonographers play a vital role in this process by accurately screening and communicating results to the physician to determine which patients are potential candidates. Prior to the WavelinQ™ EndoAVF System procedure patients are evaluated to determine if they are a candidate for an endoAVF through vessel mapping.

Who is a candidate for WavelinQ™ EndoAVF system?

Patients considered healthy enough to have a standard endovascular procedure and a surgical AV fistula qualify for further assessment. Standard AVF screening includes checking for good inflow with the brachial artery being at least 2 mm in diameter and identifying good outflow with either the superficial basilic or superficial cephalic vein measuring 2.5 mm in diameter or greater and without a flow limiting central venous stenosis.

In addition to the standard AVF screening, a WavelinQ™ EndoAVF screening has three additional steps.

  • Vessels that can accommodate the device – procedural access vessels must be at least 2 mm
  • Perforator that is ≥ 2 mm in diameter, which is how the superficial and deep veins communicate
  • Creation site with ulnar artery/vein and/or radial artery/vein ≥ 2 mm in diameter
fistula renal
end stage renal disease
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Who is not a candidate?

Those who do not have a perforator or have known central venous stenosis or upper extremity venous occlusion on same side as the planned AVF creation are not candidates. Also, the procedure is contraindicated for patients with target vessels less than 2 mm in diameter.

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